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Morgère et Eurored


Morgere takes up golf !⛳🏌️

Our champion trawldoor honoured on the greens... ...
Réparation navale Morgère au Vivier-sur-Mer et Saint-Malo


Ship repair in Le Viver-sur-Mer

Realization of an aluminium insert on the Eden boat ...
mannequins et étais morgère

Production of mannequins and props/supports

Morgere takes part in a power station construction. ...
Morgère à Navalia avec Eurored


Navalia Expo

We were at the Navalia Expo, the 21st, 22nd and 23rd of May in Vigo ! ...

[Morgère x SCB]

Morgere diversifies its activity with career works. ...


Sea trials for the new V Champion !

V Champion baptism in Pornic. ...


Meet us !

In May, Morgere flew to a new trade show. ...