Icelandic skipper praises Exocet trawl doors
Icelandic skipper praises Exocet trawl doors

Friday, 04 September 2015

An Icelandic fishing skipper has praised the performance of the Exocet trawl door designed and manufactured by Morgére.

Erling Erlingsson, the skipper of the trawler Steinunn SF, purchased the Exocet trawl system after recently visiting Morgére’s production facility in St Malo, France. During his visit with a group of other Icelandic fishermen, he saw at first hand the intricate processes involved in manufacturing the Exocet.

The group also visited the IFREMER flume tank in Lorient, southern Brittany, to assess the performance of scale-model Exocet doors under a variety of simulated fishing conditions and different trawl configurations.

Now, after using the doors on his fishing vessel for the first time, he is delighted with the way the system operates in the challenging fishing conditions found off Iceland.

He said: "I´m satisfied with their performance. They are stable and easy to handle, and the door distance is what I need. I´m impressed about how low angle of attack is, which seems to be around 32° or even less. These doors do exactly as they are supposed to do and now we will see if they last for the same length of time as previous Morgére doors have done for us.”

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